“Khira sir dhari kaati ke, maliye namak lagaye, Rahiman kadwe mukhan ko, chahiye yahi sajaye”
"खीरा सिर धरी काट के, मलिए नमक लगाए, रहिमन कड़वे मुखन की, चाहिए यही सजाये"
‘Cut the cucumber from its head side and then mixed the salt in cut area. This is the best way to punish a bad mouth person’
Our very ‘desi’ version of cucumber was displeasing on its head side therefore people used to cut it and mixed the salt in sliced area to make its pleasing and final products were awesome. No doubt, modern days cucumbers are free from all these shits but the final products are complete SHITS. Thanks to transgenics science to spoil the Indian plates and a Indian vegetable.
Further readings
1. DNA: changing science and society By Torsten Krude
2. Transgenic organisms, science, and society
3. Genetically modified plant
4. Transgenic Plants and World Agriculture
Science wanted to bring us more quantity, and in the process quality has suffered miserably. But can we now go back to traditional methods? Only some affluent farmers are able to do it. For others, traditional methods are not financially viable, it seems. Science has degraded the quality of the soil so that traditional farming methods may not yield dividends!