A high voltage drama is going on in Delhi. Few “
headless Chicken” (this word is intentionally copied from Ronen Sen, Indian ambassador to US) has been protesting an Indo-US deal that will give the right to have nuclear arsenal as well as access to civilian nuclear and dual –uses technologies from abroad to India. It means India can have nuclear cooperation with other countries including US without compromising its weapon programme and without sign the
Nuclear non-profilation Treaty (NPT) and it won’t be a nuclear pariah. This treaty gives India assured fuel supplies for its civilian nuclear reactors which help to achieve its target of 20,000 MW of power by 2020.Moreover; it would be a pollution free energy.

The people who are opposing and trying to sabotage this deal are serious threat to India’s progress. Can they make a alternative and suitable arrangement for nuclear fuel? Actually they fail to see the India as a nation is on rise. They have a single agenda of opposing US and ruling party and they will do it at any cost. It has been a dharma of opposition parties of India but what is curious is that the
BJP ( more accurately NDA) is the party which initiated the rapprochement with US which resulted in the deal but in its new avatar wants to use this deal to hobble the government along with its avowed arch-foe, the
Communist. What a opportunistic nationalism! I am sure that they would have gone ahead with same treaty if they were in power. Protest of deal by Left parties is a complete bizarre because it has nothing concrete. Left parties were very ferociously criticized the decision of
Vajpayee government to conduct
nuclear test in 1998 and in its last parliamentary poll
Communist Party of India (Marxist) had promised to “
Revert to nuclear policy of using nuclear energy for civilian and peaceful purposes. Provide parliamentary sanction for moratorium on testing. Open
talks with Pakistan for de-nuclearised environment in South Asia.” .So I think that should be more than happy that Manmohan Singh government has opt to implement their
manifesto .But surprisingly instead of complementing the government they have said that it’s end of “
honeymoon”.So the left parties are doing what they are best at-saying no. This protest proves that they are still in grip of defunct
It’s very sad to see that how few wrong hide bound people can hold the nation at ransom. They really spoil the chance of India to get credibility internationally and they are trying to simply ignore the hard work put in by those officials and diplomats who toiled endlessly to try and pull India out of nuclear and technological apartheid. They have simply refused to see the long –sought usefulness of this deal which have both societal and financial implications.

Their ground of protest is that by this treaty India will loose its freedom to conduct nuclear test but I think we shall have access to technologies and raw materials at present for our nuclear reactors. When we will feel the need to conduct a test we can always step out from treaty as by the time Indian scientist will do acquire knowledge to develop resources indigenously and we will not require treaty. So the people who are opposing the government should switch focus to other issues of social relevance that deserve more attention.
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