There are so much hue and cry over the last Wednesday’s Indian Premier League’s auction of cricketers in Mumbai.Some enthusiastic custodians of “good taste” has already demanded the interference of government in all this process .Moreover our left parties has called for a probe also. But I think that the idea that government should get involved in cricket is just insane. No doubt, it is the responsibility of the income tax department to ensure that all these transactions are done legally. But It is perfectly legitimate to have this bidding for players. We in India need to grow up. Cricket is a professional sport and the team India is a group of professionals playing cricket for the “rozi-roti”. It is not a national treasure. The BCCI is a private entity. Government never spent a dime for welfare for cricket. There is nothing wrong with this bidding process but Bottom line is that all these transactions must be done legally. These teams are owned by individuals or by private entities. There is nothing wrong with that. The government has the authority to make sure that the money is legal and the transactions are legal. Other than that it has utterly no authority. Government was involved in telecommunication for decades. What happened?????. It was full of corruption and "BABUGIRI". Look what privatization has done.
If we compare the top cricketer’s earning with other game’s apex player like -Fernando Alfonso (Formula one 160 crores/ year), Alex Rodriguez (Base Ball 109 crores / year), Kobe Breyant (Basket ball 78 Crores / Year) then we could realize that this is happening in other sports all around the world if our own Dhoni is sold for mere 6 crores why are we making so much noise?
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