Growing Queue of Quota

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SC has allowed the 27% reservation in central institutions. Although our politicians are in hurry to implement the SC’s decision but surprisingly they are not discussing about the question raised by SC about the effectiveness of such a policy for bringing equality in the society.” There is no deletion from the list of other backward classes. It goes on increasing... is it that backwardness has increased instead of decreasing? If the answer is yes, as contended by the respondents (Centre and other pro-quota parties), then one is bound to raise eyebrows as to the effectiveness of providing reservations or quotas," this is the question of Justices Arijit Pasayat and C K Thakker and I think our self claimed messiahs like Mr. singh et. al. should answer these question first.
Backwardness (in financial views only) and caste can’t be used as synonyms. It’s not as simple as deals by government. There are economically backward people in the country in every community that needs support from the government and can't afford astronomical sums to get coaching to enter IITs or similar institutions. I know so many of the backward class people (I don’t like to call them backward as I was even more backward than them, but our government says them backward) who have capability to bear expanse of education of their children in any posh institute of India but still they are enjoying reservation . Do they really need reservation? What is the fault of a poor student or aspirant of a job who didn’t get admission or job due to reservation?? Can Mr. Singh answer this? No! they will not come forward to answer because their objective is not as fair as their look.
Lastly I think we should compromise with quality at all. We should promote good student from every community irrespective to their caste and creed This will also be the right way to develop the country.

1 comment:

  1. Nice post !
    As a 12th grade student, I myself am not too happy with SC's verdict on the quota issue. I feel, that seats should be given according to merit, as the first priority, and economic status, as the second priority. As it is, it's tough for CBSE students to make it into colleges here and now, after implementation of Quota system, it's like pouring oil on fire. Which is why, most students these days, opt for pursuing a career abroad to avoid so many complications in Indian institutes.
