What make a terrorist II

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I became very sad to learn that our Prime Minister leads sleepless nights after seeing the TV image of family of detained Indian doctor Md. Haneef and his cousin and nobody bother to help him to cope with this great problem. But I couldn’t understand the cause of problem whether he is worry about fate of detained guys or he thinks about drastic increase in terror activities in the world ! He said that as a Sikh he could understand the trauma of a community being labeled. But I would dare to ask whether he lost his sleep over victims of Samjauta express, 7/11 bomb blast, Varanasi blast. He thinks ever about 63 Binaries killed in Assam or thousands of Kashmiri Brahmins who were forced to leave their own land. I don’t know that what would be his answer but I am sure that his sleep is not disturbed by just a family’s problem. Please stop this pseudo secularism and shading fake tears and lip service. That’s enough Mr. Singh. Secularist like you can’t afford to ignore this question any longer that why are so many Muslims are terrorist ever most of Muslims are not terrorist. I accept that it would be sheer stupidity to look upon entire community with suspicion but to prevent label community must introspect on the problem of terror. It is wake up call from London and Gaslow to entire world including you Mr. PM to ask right question on terror honeslty.
Either consider the problem of terrorism honestly or be preparing to face the music. Today few volunteers, who want to punish the “evil” west, have shown their dare and power to shake the world in London and their gun may turn towards you anytime also. So it would be really interesting to see that how you deal with a bunch of individuals driven to destroy themselves and India for serving the cause of Islam.


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