Peace, India and Nobel

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Like any other person who is interested in things happening outside, I got surprised to know that our very own (as portrayed by Indian media in recent time) Barack Obama won 2009’s Nobel Prize for peace. If I am not wrong then nomination for peace prize used to get close after first week of February so what was his accomplishments for world peace??? Wait may I here to argue that whether he deserves this prize or not..!! Nope…….then??? I am here to put forth the interest of Indian politicians. If Obama deserve Nobel Prize for only his ‘calls for peace and cooperation’ then what is wrong with our Indian politicians? After all our politician are doing same thing in this subcontinent-well within country and in our neighborhood-for last sixty year. They have always been calling for negotiation to terrorist groups and their neighbors (please don’t forget the recent call of our home minister). They have been always praying to put weapons aside and come on to negotiation table but unfortunately not a single politician manage to win the Nobel Prize. We have to be happy with non-Indian winners and sometimes our over enthusiasm spoils the winner’s pleasure also. Don’t believe??? Ask the Dr. Venky for the cost of being an NRI. Although in his recent interview he said that Indian feel ‘insecure’ but I think he know India only half. Indian feels ‘insecure’ as well as ‘inferior’ also. He said that Indian should not deal Nobel Prize as cricket becauseScience is done for the pursuit of knowledge. It is not done to represent your national team. It has no national boundaries whatsoever’ but he didn’t know that already we have finished the all calculations and statistics that which one is superior Kolkata or Tamilnadu. Actually it is within our national agenda to take pride in others work and you, Dr. Venky, is a very small part of that agenda. After all we believe in Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam. So for the sake of NRIs’ peace of mind please give them at least one. Obama’s call for "War Without Borders" is more than half centaury old to us. We have already been implemented this principle and fighting within and beyond the borders. If Obama feels the The Prettiest Sound On Earth At Sunset' is the Muslim call to prayer to appease Muslims then our Prime Minister started to cry for a single Muslim doctor which was ill treated by Australian machineries (Ohhhh stop complaining….forget the other atrocities against other communities). Although they know nothing about genetic engineering but they have mastered the social engineering for years and I am damn sure that they will compete out any one on this globe by their art. They have invested all their strength to sharp their skill to divide the whole society in millions of piece on the basis of billions of reasons so I think committees may think about their devotion to their art also. One of my friend said that good western connection is an essential criteria to win Nobel prizes so committee should not forget Swiss connections also. Finally I want to say that committee should respect the feelings of billions of Indians and must start to consider seriously about Indian politicians.


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