Look at the picture! These are not railway laborers repairing the track. They are the Gujjars protesting against the government for not giving the ST status to them. What a superb idea to protest!!!!! Gujjars are like any other community in India that very freshly learns the bargaining strategy under a leadership - a quality that becomes a must for continued existence in the Indian way of democracy. Everyone is using violence as extortion stick. Be it in Tamilnadu v/s Karnataka, Maharashtrians Vs Biharis and so on. The so called leaders of these groups are creating violence by making people clash against each other, and by playing on emotions of brainless people to get what they want which are votes (i.e. political power) and later money through bribery when they get political power. In India neither politicians nor we mind if people kill each other or country and society is divided. Surprisingly the pace and rate of violence is notwithstanding with literacy rate. Really,
Lage raho India!!!
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