Indian Premier League launched by the BCCI has started its race. Top Bollywood stars and businessmen are cheering their respective teams and pitched against each other. In a few days, the team possessors will bid for players that they want in their teams. The estimated value of each player could range from Rs 2 million to Rs 20 million depending on his experience and stature. Clearly, the money is serious and get bigger .It’s a downright corporate advertising enterprise with the exclusive intention of making money and gaining maximum publicity with little value for promotion of cricket as a sport or producing world beaters or champions. The aim is clearly to exploit the national sentiments for cricket for purely commercial interests under the enclothe of promotion of the sport.
To be honest, the feisty, fast-paced Twenty20 matches are not cricket. A batsman just cannot implement his techniques, before that he is out. So it is baseball. This is cricket using baseball technique but not the format.T20 can be expended as the platform for international exposure for the youngsters who are looking to break into the national squad.
In my opinion, IPL will turn out to be damp firework because Indians watch cricket only because they want to see their country winning but with IPL it will turn out to be exhibition games
yes..the T20i guess is taking the cricketing in the bnation the wrong way. but looking at it as entertainment, i think it ll be a blast initially, and eventually die..