What make a terrorist I

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Osama Bin Laden Civil Engineer
Ayman al zawahiri Surgeon
Md Asha Surgeon
Md siqique Khan University educated
K.S. mohammad Mechanical Engineer
Md. Atta Architechtural Engineer
Kafeel Ahamad Aeronautical Engineer
Sabeel ahamad Doctor

This is the name few well known terror faces of modern world and their earlier profession. History says that recruitment in an extremist group have come from ordinary background and deprived culture but recent psycho-sociological studies tell different story. A forensic scientist, Mac sageman’s study on 172 Al-Qaida terrorists tells that two-third were professional or semi-professional while three quarter was from middle class or upper class family.
Since 9/11,the politically correct elite were used to explain this phenomenon as a “indoctrination” or” brainwashing” practiced by likes of Mr. Osama but this theory have failed to explain why Indian Muslims are practicing jihad in London when India itself is a victim of terror acts.
So now devil has started to change face. Now most of jihadis came from middle class families, high qualified professionals, psychologically stable and mildly religious background without any records in their early life of radicalism or zealotry. Unlike their traditional counterparts who used to target their own government, these super cops are differing by their nationality, terrorist acts and their cause.
Now perpetration of evil becomes global in this globalize world and new agent of terror don’t have any similarity with disposed and downbeat manic jehadis with nothing to lose. Let’s see how long can we chase this pace and face of terrorism.
My question is that what promote a diligent white collared professional to become a merchant of death. What make a terrorist????


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